Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio and taking a look at my hard work over the past few years. On this site you will find some of my coursework from my Associate's Degree at Salt Lake Community College as well as my current work in Utah Valley University's Art and Design Bachelor's program. You will also find my goals, resume, and work outside the classroom, including writing, artwork, and a blog. This ePortfolio is a representation of my school work, my skills, my designs, my ambitions, and much more. I appreciate the time and effort you are taking to look at what I have done and I hope that you enjoy it!
Sincerely, Rebecca Whitehead
About Rebecca Whitehead
Rebecca's greatest passion in life is creating. She lives for art and she spends all of her time drawing, sculpting, or in photoshop. She aspires to be a professional custom doll maker and hopes to start her career even before she graduates. When she is not busy with work, school, or a current art project she is cuddling up with her Doberman puppy Zeus or reading a good book. She looks forward to the future and is excited to see what comes her way.